When to Call
Surgery is stressful not only psychologically but also physiologically. There are a number of normal, well-defined stress responses that occur after surgery. These stress responses cause alterations in your metabolic and physiological processes and induce changes in your inflammatory and hormonal responses. It is sometimes difficult to know what is normal after an operation and what is not normal.
Opiates, NSAIDS and Pain Control

A laparoscopic approach is one of the ways that Dr. Belsley uses to help reduce the physiologic stress response of surgery. A close line of communication is a way to decrease the psychological stress. It is important to maintain a close line of communication with Dr. Belsley and his team after your operation. Knowing what life is like after surgery—and being able to commit to it—are important aspects of successful outcomes. From lifestyle changes to health transformations that change lives, life after surgery is full of both successes and challenges.
List of Symptoms that may be important
- Fever especially if it is greater than 101.5
- Rapid heart rate especitally if it is greater than 120 beats per minute while resting
- Pain and/or swelling in your feet, calves, or legs especially if it is only occurring on one side
- Abdominal pain that is worsening or not improving
- Bleeding
- Blood in stool
- Pain, burning, urgency, frequency of urination, or blood in urine
- Other signs of infection such as chills
- Vomiting or severe nausea especially if you have difficulty staying hydrated
- Redness, swelling, pain, bleeding, or discharge at the incision sites
- Coughing, shortness of breath, or chest pain
Restarting Home Medications

Your metabolism actually increases after surgery. This means that increases in body temperature, breathing and heart rate can be normal. Your sleep cycles, appetite and ability to concentrate are also disrupted for the first few weeks after an operation. This stress response occurs in two phases. The first phase is called the ebb phase and lasts about 2-3 days. The second phase, called the flow phase, lasts for days to a few weeks depending on the operation. The most important thing to remember is that If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call our office.
Changes in your Breathing